Hello people!! I really wanted to jump right into today’s post but I just have to do a June rant. This month has been sweet, it’s basically been about me learning things about myself and taking risks. All things being equal I’m afraid of risks, but I’m learning to come out more and be less insecure. I am absolutely loving each passing day.
One thing I know we all love is having a good life and still seeing money in our account. That is why in today’s post I’m talking how about to build and also maintain a skincare routine on a budget. I would never advise anyone to splurge on skincare especially when you have other bills to pay. There are cheaper ways to glow and that’s what I’m here to talk about.
  • Create a budget: Of course, the first thing to do is dedicate how much you can spend on skincare. This will determine the kind of routine and products you should be using. So how much of that income can go into skincare and all that. This will help you to avoid impulse buying and get the best value for your money
  • Do a research:  after you’ve created how much you want to spend, the next thing is to find out the best products within your range. Find out the best cleansers, moisturizers, toners, and serum under your budget. You can simply google “best moisturizers under 5,000 naira or $12”. So, find out the product that gives the best results within your price range. Go around beauty stores close to you and check the price it just might be cheaper than ordering online. Also, ensure that the product is available. Unavailability will lead to fluctuations in price so the next time you want a refill it might have doubled.
  • Keep things simple: stick to your budget, you don’t need to buy everything. One good moisturizer that can work for day and night is fine, one scrub too is not a bad idea. I’d rather buy a very good scrub at 7,000 than 2 normal ones 3,500 each. Less is more. 
  • Save for a refill: this is the one that helps me a lot. I calculate how much my skincare costs me monthly and save up for it before it is out. I divide the cost of a product by the number of months it will last for me, that gives me it’s cost per month. Therefore I know how much to save for a refill.
  • Buy on sale: SALE SALE SALE!! is now everywhere. Take advantage of sale season and buy your favorite skincare products then, especially when you are almost out. Buying on sale will help you save some money also.
  • Do DIYs: nothing is more affordable than a nice skincare routine from the kitchen or with raw ingredients. I am a huge fan of DIYs for face masks. ACV and Bentonite clay is my favorite, so if the products on the shelves are too expensive then do it yourself. There are lovely recipes all over the internet for acne, hyperpigmentation or aging. Pick one that suits you and get on it.
You don’t have to splurge to glow. I will do an example of a routine that is under maybe 5k or 10k so Y’all can believe this some more. I hope you glow more this June both within and outside too. Have a lovely week…



  1. Thanks for sharing dear. I totally do as you do. My favorite part of this blog is your cute pictures and the importance of saving for a refill.

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